Thursday, March 17, 2016

Cauliflower Avakaya - (Pickle)

Avakaya is a variety of pickle from Andhra Pradesh. Usually made with mangoes and mustard powder as the main ingredient, with a combination of spices for pickling.  Summer is a very exciting time in Andhra Pradesh. All most every house is busy making all kinds of pickles with mangoes. Nowadays we use similar spices and use other vegetables to make Avakaya when mango is not available or just for a change like I did. Cauliflower is in season now in march and every time I go to the market end up picking a huge one. I made Manchurian twice already and Cauliflower stir fry a couple of times. My mom use to make this when we were growing up and I loved just eating the pickled cauliflower by itself or with chapathi or plain rice. Its crunchy, spicy and tangy, all together all my favorite flavors put together. Yummy!!!

Preparation time: 20 min (Excluding drying time)

Serving : 20 oz bottle of pickle

I used a standard measuring cup for my measurements to make this.


4 cup cauliflower
3 Tbs Salt

4 Tbs Red chili powder ( I used three mangoes chili from India)
3 Tbp Fenugreek seeds powder
4 Tbs Mustard seeds powder
2 Cups Lemon juice
4 red chilies
2 Tbs Mustard seeds
Hing according to tasts (optional)
1 Tbs Garlic paste (optional I did not use)
1 cup oil

To make the Fenugreek and mustard powder:

I usually pan fry the seeds and grind them in to a fine powder. Recently saw avakaya post from Gayatrivantillu and learnt to do it in the microwave. Its easy and also the seeds are fried evenly. You can dry rost in a pan or use this method to make your powders.

Mustard Powder: In a plate spread the mustard seeds and microwave for 1 minute on high. Wait for a few minutes and when its still a little warm grind it in to a fine powder.

Fenugreek powder: In a plate spread the fenugreek seeds and microwave for 1 1/2 minutes on high, Let it cool down and grind in to a fine powder.


  1. Cut the cauliflower in to small florets with your hand. 
  2. Wash them quickly under running water and pat it dry with a kitchen towel.
  3. I spread the cauliflower florets on a plate and dry them in the sun for 4-6 hours.
  4. Make sure there is no water as it will spoil this pickle quickly.
  5. In a wide bowl add the red chili powder, mustard powder salt and the cauliflower florets and mix together. If your using garlic you can add that also in at this point. I do not like the raw smell of garlic so I avoid it in this pickle.
  6. Now add the lemon juice and mix it well.
  7. In a small pan heat some oil on medium high. when hot add the mustard seeds and when it splutters add the red chilies cut in to small pieces.Add the hing and take it off the heat. 
  8. After 1 minute mix in the fenugreek powder in the oil let it cool down. 
  9. Add the oil to the bowl with the cauliflowers and mix everything together.

Your Pickle is ready. You can wait for 4-6 hours and serve with plain rice or chapathi. Store it in a dry bottle and let it soak. It tastes really good after a day or so. Refrigerate it and can be used for 2-3 weeks. But if your like our family this will be over in 3-4 days. Enjoy!!

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